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Converting binary to number string to decimal number in C

I've written a program that asks the user to input a number using strings, the program then will convert that number to decimal, however Im having a problem with it, when I compile (using -lm) and run the a.out, I get a Segmentation fault (core dumped), not really sure where to look or how to fix it, also one more question what do i need so that it prints the result of the conversion (printf("something..")) ?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()

char string[100];
int s;
char a;
char j;
int sum;

printf("B = B to D\n");
printf("D = D to B\n");
printf("choose which one to convert to:");
scanf("%c%c", &a, &j);

if (a == 'B')
    printf("enter binary number to convert to decimal: ");
    scanf("%s", string);

    for(s = strlen-1; s >= 0; s--)

            if(string[s] == '1')
            sum = sum + pow(2,s);



return 0;

You probably meant to have strlen(string) - 1 , not strlen - 1 . My best guess is that your program is interpreting strlen as a function pointer, and it's pretty much a given that crazy things happen after that.

As it is, you might be interested in the strtol function, which appears to do exactly what you're looking for.

You use strlen as an integer. I think you mean strlen(string)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void reverse_string(char *string)
   int string_length = strlen(string);
   char temp;
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < string_length/2; i++)
      temp = string[i];
      string[i] = string[string_length - (i + 1)];
      string[string_length - (i + 1)] = temp;

int main()

   char string[100];
   int s;
   char a;
   char j;
   int sum = 0;
   int string_length = 0;
   int number, original_number;
   int remainder;
   char binary_string[200];
   int i = 0;

   printf("B = B to D\n");
   printf("D = D to B\n");
   printf("choose which one to convert to:");
   scanf("%c%c", &a, &j);
   a = toupper(a);
   if (a == 'B')
      printf("enter binary number to convert to decimal: ");
      scanf("%s", string);

      string_length = strlen(string);
      for(s = strlen(string)-1; s >= 0; s--)
         if(string[s] == '1')
            sum = sum + pow(2,string_length - (s + 1));
      printf("%s in binary is %d\n",string,sum);
   else if (a == 'D')
      printf("enter positive decimal number to convert to binary: ");
      number = atoi(string);
      original_number = number;
      if ( number < 0 )
         printf("ERROR: only positive numbers please\n");
         return 1;
         remainder = number % 2;
         if ( remainder == 0 )
            binary_string[i] = '0';
            binary_string[i] = '1';
         number = number / 2;
         i += 1;
      while (number > 0);
      binary_string[i] = '\0';
      printf("decimal %d is %s in binary\n",original_number,binary_string);
   return 0;
for(sum=0, j=0, s=strlen(string)-1; s >= 0; s--, ++j){
    if(string[s] == '1'){
        sum = sum + pow(2,j);

strlen isn't used properly. I think you want to do something like strlen(string)-1. BTW your logic wont work to convert the fractional part. Check this code:

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 1000

int main()
    double fraDecimal=0.0,dFractional=0.0 ,fraFactor=0.5;
    long dIntegral = 0,bIntegral=0,bFractional[MAX];
    long intFactor=1,remainder,i=0,k=0,flag=0;
    char fraBinary[MAX];

    printf("Enter any fractional binary number: ");
    while(fraBinary[i]) //Separating the integral and fractional parts

      if(fraBinary[i] == '.')
          flag = 1; //If dot is found start taking the fractional part.
      else if(flag==0)
          bIntegral = bIntegral * 10 + (fraBinary[i] -48); 
          /* char - 48 to get the numerical value.*/
          bFractional[k++] = fraBinary[i] -48;

     dIntegral= dIntegral+remainder*intFactor;

     dFractional  = dFractional  + bFractional[i] * fraFactor;
     fraFactor = fraFactor / 2;

    fraDecimal = dIntegral + dFractional ;

    printf("Equivalent decimal value: %Lf",fraDecimal);   
    return 0;

Source: C Program to Convert Binary into Decimal Number

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