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deploy java EE application on jboss 7

i have a java EE application ,which contains web module and entity module.i have created the application using netbeans, glassfish and javadb. i want to deploy this application to jboss 7. how do i do this?

Paste your deployment artifact in:


I would suggest using Eclipse Indigo with the JBoss Tools plugins installed for development on JBoss AS. You can easily find them through the Eclipse Marketplace.

Here is a nice video describing how to deploy your application on JBoss AS 7.x. It describes 5 ways to do it.

First you will need to add the following in your WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml file;


And you are logged in to the Administration Console, go to Deployments > Manage Deployments.In the Deployments screen, click on Add Content and upload your war file. So see this article to get more details information.

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