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does hibernate support partitioning?

I used Hibernate3 and Oracle database in my project and now i need to change my db from oracle to Microsoft SQl Server.

There is Partition Table s in oracle which is not available in Microsoft SQl Server. does anyone know if hibernate have a built-in support for table partitioning or not?

It seems implementing such a features in hibernate isn't a big problem. if there is no built-in table partitioning in hibernate can i implement my own table partitioning? -- any hint?

I think the way it was done before partitioning became a feature was to create a table for each partition and then create a view that represented the complete table, buy doing a union across all partition tables.

Should be dowable in Sql Server as well

MSSQL 2000 doesn't support database partitioning. But you can try some alternative way like hibernate sharding. Please learn this article from ibm for hibernate sharding.

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