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Embedding SQL Server CE database

I'm working with sql server ce database and C#, and I wondering how to really embed the database file so when I have finish installing the app I don't need to copy-paste the database file to the environment as I set in the following code :

 private void sambung()
        string lokasifile = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\compactedition.sdf";
        string stringkoneksi = "Data Source = \"" + lokasifile + "\";Password = 'blablabla'; Encrypt = True";
        koneksi = new SqlCeConnection(stringkoneksi);

Do you have any suggestion to make it possible? Thanks.

If you copy your database to root directory or upper you can use relative path like this:

public static string GetLogicBinDebug()
        string baseDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
        return Path.Combine(baseDir, @"..\..\database.sdf");

Or you can keep connection string in app.config using relative path:

<add name="dbEDMContainer" connectionString="metadata=res://*/dbEDM.csdl|res://*/dbEDM.ssdl|res://*/dbEDM.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0;provider connection string=&quot;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\..\..\yourDB.sdf&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient"/>

Data Source=|DataDirectory|\\ will point to "bin" folder

** If you are asking about how to copy database file to your application folder, you can use this approach:

Include Database file to your project in Visual Studio, open file properties and set Build action to " Content ", Copy to output directory - " copy if newer " or " copy always "

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