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C compilation errors on using stdprn

My OS is: Windows 8

IDE: VS 2012

Here is my C program. (from book)

/* print_it.c—This program prints a listing with line numbers! */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void do_heading(char *filename);

int line = 0, page = 0;

int main( int argv, char *argc[] )
  char buffer[256];
  FILE *fp;

  if( argv < 2 ) 
    fprintf(stderr, "\nProper Usage is: " );
    fprintf(stderr, "\n\nprint_it filename.ext\n" );

  if (( fp = fopen( argc[1], "r" )) == NULL )
    fprintf( stderr, "Error opening file, %s!", argc[1]);

  page = 0;
  line = 1;
  do_heading( argc[1]);

  while( fgets( buffer, 256, fp ) != NULL )
    if( line % 55 == 0 ) 
      do_heading( argc[1] );
    fprintf( stdprn, "%4d:\t%s", line++, buffer );

  fprintf( stdprn, "\f" );
  return 0;

void do_heading( char *filename )

  if ( page > 1)
    fprintf( stdprn, "\f" );

  fprintf( stdprn, "Page: %d, %s\n\n", page, filename );

Trying to compile. Opened Developer Command Prompt, and typed

cl print_it.c

Got this screen (bunch of errors and warnings)


What am I missing?

stdprn isn't part of standard C. stdprn is a stream DOS compilers provided. Should probably be avoided.

You could try turning off ANSI compatibility to get stdprn to work. ( Reference )

您可以键入“ stdout”而不是“ stdprn”

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