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Java not calling component's overloaded paintComponent method

First this is part of a homework assignment to create a mosaic image generator. I want the program to repaint in realtime as it finds a image and place it ontop of another (source image).

This is code to create the panel in my main function.

The last piece mypanel.create() is the mosaic logic.

myPanel = new mosiacPanel(sourceFile, sizePercent, pixesize,threads, imageList);
myPanel.setVisible( true );
if(myPanel.getWidth() > menubar.getWidth()){
    frame2.setSize(myPanel.getWidth() , myPanel.getHeight() + menubar.getHeight() );
} else {
    frame2.setSize(menubar.getWidth() , myPanel.getHeight() + menubar.getHeight() );
frame2.setVisible( true );
//  myPanel.setLocation(170, 4);

Mosaic panel class code snippet

public void create()
    ph.createMosiac(imgUrls, this);

protected void paintComponent( Graphics g ) 
{  super.paintComponent(g); 
   g.drawImage( imgToPaint, 0, 0, null );
   // System.out.println("paint");

public void paintTile( BufferedImage img ) 

    imgToPaint = img;        
    // this.paintComponent(this.getGraphics());

I call the paintTile function within create Mosaic Function.

public void createMosiac(List<String> fileNames, mosiacPanel parent)
    ArrayList<TileImage> srcTiles = new ArrayList<TileImage>();

    for( int i = 0; i < fileNames.size(); i++ ) 
        srcTiles.add( new TileImage( fileNames.get(i), tileSize ) );

    for( int y = 0; y <= (this.getHeight() - tileSize); y += tileSize ) 
        for( int x = 0; x <= (this.getWidth() - tileSize); x += tileSize ) 
            int location = 0;
            double  dist, high = 2147483647;
            for( int i = 0; i < srcTiles.size(); i++ ) 
                dist = this.getTileImage(x, y).differance( srcTiles.get(i) );

                if( (dist < high) )
                    high = dist;
                    location = i;

            this.setTileImage( x, y, srcTiles.get(location) );

That is my program logic. When I uncomment this in the second snippet // this.paintComponent(this.getGraphics()); The program work but it repaints with a horrible flash and i am not one for medical bills when some of my other students within the demo venue are prone to epileptic attacks.

If I trace trace the paintComponent function it get called twice at the end of the program and not on every repaint.

Thank you in advance.

I added a source code you guys can just copy and run. Select a image you want to test with the default is not available currently because you guys don't have it

and then a directory containing a bunch of jpg to tile it with It is pretty slow at the moment i still need to fix that Google docs link to the java file

try the repainting in an other thread. Maybe this will be solve your problem. Good Luck! :)

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