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CakePHP and suphp socket, connection reset by peer

In my Linux server's logs I have this record nearly every 5 minutes. I couldn't find the reason for two weeks and I would be very happy if you can recommend me a way to diagnose the problem.

My hosting company insists that the problem is within my codes. I use CakePHP 2.2. But I couldn't find anything that causes this problem.

Records are inside error_log file. I use php 5.3.8 and litespeed. 2012-09-03 16:01:28.399 [INFO] [ connection to [/tmp/lshttpd/ APVH_example.com_Suphp.sock. 781] on request #151, confirmed, 0, associated process: 845244, running: 0, error: Connection reset by peer!

See below URL i think solve you problem:


Let me know if not solved your problem.


You able to change any PHP settings via .htaccess with the same success. If you want to turn off 'Zend Guard' add following line in .htaccess file.


php_value zend_optimizer.optimization_level = 0

see below URL:-



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