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How to draw images in tkinter window

How do I draw an image in a tkinter window (I'm using python 3.3)? I'm looking for a statement which would draw an image at a given position on a tkinter window.


Any answers would be appreciated. And here's the source code of the program (if it can be called that) that I want to use the code in, in case you need it.

from tkinter import *

class craftClass():
    def __init__(self, x = 80, y = 80, xmotion = 0, ymotion = 0, health = 20):
        self.xPos, self.yPos = x, y
        self.dx, self.dy = xmotion, ymotion
    def moveCraft(self):
        self.xPos += self.dx
        self.yPos += self.dy

class missileClass():
    def __init__(self, x = 0 , y = 0):
        self.xPos, self.yPos = x, y

class alienClass():
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.xPos, self.yPos = x, y

    def moveForCraft(self, craftX, craftY):
        if self.xPos < craftX:
            self.xPos += 2
        elif self.xPos > craftX:
            self.xPos -= 2

    if self.yPos < craftY:
        self.yPos += 2
    elif self.yPos > craftY:
        self.yPos -= 2

craft = craftClass()
missileArray = []
alienArray = []

def keypress(event):
    if event.keysym == 'Escape':
x = event.char
if x == "w":
    craft.dy = 1
elif x == "s":
    craft.dy = -1
elif x == "a":
    craft.dx = -1
elif x == "d":
    craft.dx = 1

root = Tk()
while True:
    root.bind_all('<Key>', keypress)
except TclError:
    print("exited. tcl error thrown. llop broken")

I'm well aware that the spacing is sorta messed up, but that's something that happened while copying

You will need to use a Canvas widget to put your images in specified (x,y) positions.

In Python 3, you can do like this:

import tkinter

tk = tkinter.Tk()
can = tkinter.Canvas(tk)
img = tkinter.PhotoImg("<path/to/image_file>.gif")
can.create_image((x_coordinate, y_coordinate), img)

Please note that due to Python 3 not having an official PIL * release, you are limited to read images of type GIF , PGM or PPM - if you need other file types, check this answer .

The Canvas widget is quite powerfull, and allows you to position your images, shows what is on it through an "canvas.update" call, and remove an item displayer with a "canvas.delete(item_id)" call. Check its documentation .

While Tkinter should be enough for your simple game, consider taking a look at Pygame , for a better multimedia support, or maybe Pyglet , or even higher level multimedia framework called Kivy .

* (update): As of 2015, there is Pillow - a fork that is a drop in replacement of the old PIL project, and which resumed proper development of the project, including support for Python 3.x


This depends a lot on the file format. Tkinter has a PhotoImage class which can be used in Labels quite easily if your image is a .gif . You can also add them to canvas widgets reasonably easily. Otherwise, you might want to use PIL to convert an image to a PhotoImage .

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