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How to return a list of Name/Value pairs from a Linq to SQL query?

I'm looking for a way to return a name value pair list directly from a Linq to SQL query without having to loop through the results like I'm doing in the code below:

Public Shared Function GetUserTransactionCounts(fromDate As DateTime, toDate As DateTime) As List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer))
    Using dc As New ProntoDataContext()
        Dim users As IEnumerable(Of User) = From u In dc.Users Where u.CreatedTransactions.Any(Function(t) t.TSCreate >= fromDate And t.TSCreate <= toDate)

        Dim list As New List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer))
        For Each user As User In users
            Dim item As New KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)(user.CommonName, user.CreatedTransactions.Count)
        Return list
    End Using
End Function

you can use ToDictionary

May look like this

Dim dict As Dictionary(Of String, Interger) = users .ToDictionary(Function(u) u.CommonName,Function(u) u.CreatedTransactions.Count )

Try converting to IEnumerable , and then using Select :

Dim users As IEnumerable(Of User) = From u In dc.Users Where u.CreatedTransactions.Any(Function(t) t.TSCreate >= fromDate And t.TSCreate <= toDate)
Dim list As List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)) = users.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(x) New KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)(x.CommonName, x.CreatedTransactions.Count)).ToList()

EDIT : If you would like to make an IEnumerable , remove the ToList :

Dim enumerable As IEnumerable(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)) = users.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(x) New KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)(x.CommonName, x.CreatedTransactions.Count))

This will not run the query until the enumerable is enumerated for the first time.

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