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SSH key passphrase with git pull using Fabric

I'm trying to automate deployment of application using fabric.

The application code is hosted on GitHub and rolling out a new version is very straightforward - just do 'git pull' and that's it. The application is hosted on 100 servers, so I would like to automate deployment. Fabfile.py:

def deploy():
  code_path = '/home/myuser/myapp'
  with cd(code_path):
    run('git pull')
    run('git submodule update --init --recursive')

The problem is, on every git command I get a promt: Enter passphrase for key '/home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa :

Is there a way to automatically input the passphrase? It's the same on every server and the same as sudo password

I've tried to fexpect library , but I'm wondering whether there is better (ie standard) way of doing it.

You can also use a ssh key agent and use the agent forwarding. Always put a password on keys. Github has good docs on how to utilize this here .

Fabric should now also have agent forwarding ability. I've run into troubles with it in some corner cases, but gotten around them with an explicit local('ssh -A...) as a work around until the issue is resolved.

Although I consider ssh-aget forwarding described in the accepted answer to be a preferable solution (if you get it worked), but there is alternative to it, provided by Fabric itself:
Fabric has it's own "password" settings option (ie env.password entry). you can make fabric to automatically input the passphrase (and sudo passwod) if you set the env.password ( see documentation ):


Default: None

The default password used by the SSH layer when connecting to remote hosts, and/or when answering sudo prompts.

You can set password with it either of following options :

  • using env.password = 'PASSWORD' directly in code inside "fabfile.py",
  • in command line as an option to fab command, using -p PASSWORD or --password=PASSWORD ( documentation ).
  • As an another option you can put passwod=PASSWORD line in a ~/.fabricrc ( documentation ) which gets loaded before each fab command and neither command line option nor code change is required if you use this option.

Don't use pass phrases when making a key. Simply press enter and then again to confirm. You can also have more than one key. Some with passwords, some without.

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