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Find and replace full words only in JavaScript using regex

Say I had the following string:

var str = '(1 + foo + 3) / bar';

And I want to replace all strings just with the letter 'x' . I tried:

str = str.replace(/\w/g, 'x');

This results in:

(x + xxx + x) / xxx

Instead, I would like the result to be:

(1 + x + 3) / x

How would I do this? How would I find just the words that don't have digits and replace the word to a single letter?

Why not just use [az]+ instead of \\w ? (Make sure to add the case-insensetive flag, or use [a-zA-Z] instead)

str = str.replace(/\b[a-z]+\b/ig, 'x');

The \\b matches a word boundary. That way 'foo2' won't turn into 'x'. As others mentioned \\w includes numbers, but ALSO the underscore, so you won't want to use that. The i modifier does case insensitive matching (so that you can read a little easier).


str = str.replace(/[a-z]+/ig, 'x');

Try using [a-zA-Z] instead. \\w is equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_] .

str = str.replace(/[a-zA-Z]+/g, 'x');

You can try this regex:

str = str.replace(/[a-z]+/ig, 'x');

[az] - To indicate that you are looking for any letter.

+ To indicate that you are looking for a combination (xxx).

i To indicate that the text match can be case insensitive.

g - to indicate you are looking for all matches across the string.


you can use


it will look for small letters az and capital letters AZ. This is for use without the case modifier.

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