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ctime(&rawtime) wiping malloc'ed character array?

I've honestly no idea what is going on here but here is my explanation>

I malloc an array of strings for holding an array of filenames, no problem there. I then move into a while loop where it keeps all the correct values until it hits this to print the time

printf("It is now: %s\n\n",ctime(&rawtime)); 

Then my values are gone. Can't find them anywhere, I seem to now have an empty array.

Here is the rest of the code

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void)

  int i,j, directSize,start=0,flag=0, menu;
  size_t size;
  char path[1024];  //current working directory path
  char ** files;    //created to store the directory contents in an array of strings
  char buffer ;     //buffer holds menu selection
  time_t rawtime;

  //buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char));
  files = (char**) malloc(sizeof(char*)+1);

  //allocating memory for strings
    files[i] =(char*) malloc(64*sizeof(char));


  pid_t child;
  DIR * d;
  struct dirent *de;

  d = opendir(".");


  while((de = readdir(d)))
    files[i] = de->d_name;

  directSize = i;

  printf("file[0]: %s",files[0]);

  while(flag == 0)
    printf("\nfiles[0]: %s\n",files[0]);    //works 

    printf("Current Working directory: %s\n", path);
    printf("\nfiles[0]: %s\nSize: %d\n",files[0],directSize);   //works

    printf("It is now: %s\n\n",ctime(&rawtime)); //problem area? 

    printf("files[0]: %s\nSize: %d\n",files[0],directSize);     //doesn't work
    printf("Files:\t\t0. (..)\n");

      printf("\t\t%d. %s \n",i+1, files[i]);

    //formatted print for the command menu 
    printf("\nOperation:\tV View\n\t\tR Run\n\t\tP Previous Files\tN Next Files\n\t\tX Exit\t\t\tH Help\n");

    printf("\nCommand: ");
    scanf("%c", &buffer);
    //  strcpy(buffer,toupper(buffer));
    printf("command chosen is: %c\n",buffer);

    //if(buffer != "N" && buffer != "P" && buffer != "X")
    //  printf("File/Directory #: ");
    //  scanf("%d", &menu);

    if(buffer == 'E' || buffer == 'e')
      flag=flag+ 1; 


  return 0;

The problem is that you did not a deep copy of string.

 while((de = readdir(d)))
    files[i] = de->d_name;   /* you just made files[i] pointing to de->d_name, instead of
                              * copy the content to files[i].

So after closedir() , the libc will reuse the inner buffer, the content may be modified by other function of libc , then you got a rubbish content.Replacing it with strcpy(files[i], de->d_name) .

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