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jQuery $.post Callback Function (data) is Undefined

I submit a form using jQuery to a php file on my server. Everything works... (the php file gets the right post variables, makes a database entry etc.) But on the response, sometimes 'data' goes wacky.

$('#form_submit').click( function() {
    $.post("path/to/script.php", $('#form').serialize(), function(data) {
        if ( data.status == 1 ) {
            alert('awesome sauce');
        } else {
    }, "json");

php script returns (on success)

$response['status'] = 1;
$response['message'] = 'worked';
echo json_encode($response);

I'm getting a whole lot of crap, and not enough awesome sauce.

Does anyone have an idea why sometimes 'data.status' is undefined, and sometimes it isn't?

Try it like this>

$('#form_submit').click( function() {
$.post("path/to/script.php", $('#form').serialize(), function(data) {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
    if ( obj.status == 1 ) {
        alert('awesome sauce');
    } else {

How does exit() behave with regards to output buffering? Does it flush the output buffer?

try this one:

$('#form_submit').click( function() {
    $.post("path/to/script.php", $('#form').serialize())
        alert('awesome sauce');

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