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Importing JSON strings via CSV into MySQL. Good or bad?

I'm sitting on a CSV import into a database trying to think of ways to add more data without having to change the API (add new fields).

Since working with JSON quite a bit on the client, I'm thinking of storing data into MYSQL as JSON string. So if I have a field


Where I'm currently storing data like this:


WOuld it make sense to store multiple images in a JSON array like so:

 {"img_base":"img123.jpg", "img_alt_1":"img123-1.jpg", "img_alt_2":"img123-2" }

I can deserialize server side, so it woudn't be much of a problem to grab the image I need from the JSON array, while it does not bloat up the API.

I can't find anything at all on importing CSV with JSON strings. So, what's good and bad in doing so? Are there security concerns (SQL-injections)?


Transferred from comments to here:

If you have a data model scheme that changes or is inconsistent, then the relational database storage isn't the best choice. Sure, you can serialize it and store as binary string, but why? IMO, and I'm not a fan of NoSQLs, but MongoDB looks like something you might make use of. Its document scheme is JSON-based, it'd be familiar to you if you work with JSON-based code on a daily basis. I'd use that to store the data rather than relational db.

Non-relational ones do less work, so they work faster in some scenarios. They also don't have a scheme, so there's no alter table statement as such, therefore you can add "columns" as much as you like. If you don't have relations and need something to store data in JSON format, but that it can be searchable - MongoDB would be great.

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