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Java: How can i persist RandomStringUUID object at runtime

Here is the scenario: I have:

public class RandomStringUUID {

    public RandomStringUUID() {
        final String uuidstring = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "");

    public String getRandomStringUUID() {
        final String uuidst = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "");
        return uuidst;

Where i am generating a Unique Value.

Then in :

public class AddSingleDomain {

    public static RandomStringUUID RUUID = new RandomStringUUID();

    public void addSingleDomain() {
        AssertJUnit.assertEquals(DomainsPage.getTitle(), "View Account");

        String randomUIDSeed = RUUID.getRandomStringUUID();

        System.out.println("Random Domanin Name Prefix: "
                + randomUIDSeed);
        System.out.println("Random Domanin Name Prefix: " + RUUID);

                randomUIDSeed + ".tv");

I use it, and then, yet in another class:

public class VerifyDBSingleDomain {

String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@a.b.c.d:1521:ms";

public void VerifyDBSingleDomainTest()  {

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("user", "user");
    props.setProperty("password", "pass");

String sql = "Select zoneid from zone where zonename =" +  randomUIDSeed + ".tv";

I want to use the SAME VALUE "randomUIDSeed" If in class VerifyDBSingleDomain i : String randomUIDSeed = RUUID.getRandomStringUUID(); would it be the same object ? How can i use this as same object, and hence guranteeing the same value across ALL classes during runtime.

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to achieve, however;

The short answer to your question is "Yes you will get the same String instance". The slightly longer answer is "But you're doing it wrong".

You really should use a persistence framework to help you deal with these issues.

You could start by making this little change:

public class RandomStringUUID {

    private static final String MYUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "");

    public static String getRandomStringUUID() { return MYUUID; }

You can then use it like this:

// Anywhere in your code: vv Note that we are using the classname! The method is static.
String theCommonID = RandomStringUUID.getRandomStringUUID();

This is just a hint into the direction. This is not a "perfect" clean solution. You might want to google "Singleton Design Pattern". And I can imagine ~10 other ways to do this right now ... But anyway.

This will create one of your IDs once for the runtime of your app.

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