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SQL Server 2012 sequence

I create a table and sequence in order to replace identity in the table I use SQL Server 2012 Express but I get this error while I tried to insert data to the table

Msg 11719, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
NEXT VALUE FOR function is not allowed in check constraints, default objects, computed columns, views, user-defined functions, user-defined aggregates, user-defined table types, sub-queries, common table expressions, or derived tables.

T-SQL code:

insert into Job_Update_Log(log_id, update_reason, jobid) 
values((select next value for Job_Log_Update_SEQ),'grammer fixing',39);

This is my table:

create table Job_Update_Log
   log_id int primary key  ,
   update_reason nvarchar(100) ,
   update_date date default getdate(),
   jobid bigint not null,
   foreign key(jobid) references jobslist(jobid)

and this is my sequence:

CREATE SEQUENCE [dbo].[Job_Log_Update_SEQ] 
 AS [int]

Just get rid of the subselect in the VALUES section, like this:

insert into Job_Update_Log(log_id,update_reason,jobid) 
        values (next value for Job_Log_Update_SEQ,'grammer fixing',39);

Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh272694%28v=vs.103%29.aspx

Your insert syntax appears to be wrong. You are attempting to use a SELECT statement inside of the VALUES section of your query. If you want to use SELECT then you will use:

insert into Job_Update_Log(log_id,update_reason,jobid) 
select next value for Job_Log_Update_SEQ,'grammer fixing',39;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

I changed the syntax from INSERT INTO VALUES to INSERT INTO ... SELECT . I used this because you are selecting the next value of the sequence.

However, if you want to use the INSERT INTO.. VALUES , you will have to remove the SELECT from the query:

insert into Job_Update_Log(log_id,update_reason,jobid) 
values(next value for Job_Log_Update_SEQ,'grammer fixing',39);

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Both of these will INSERT the record into the table.

Try this one:

–With a table

create sequence idsequence start with 1 increment by 3

create table Products_ext
id int,
Name varchar(50)

INSERT dbo.Products_ext (Id, Name)
VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.idsequence, ‘ProductItem’);

select * from Products_ext;

/* If you run the above statement two types, you will get the following:-

1    ProductItem
4    ProductItem


drop table Products_ext;
drop sequence idsequence;


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