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ApplicationSettingsBase does not save nested object

I have this settings class

class AppSettings : ApplicationSettingsBase
    public ObservableCollection<TrackViewModel> TracksViewModel
        get { return (ObservableCollection<TrackViewModel>)(this["TracksViewModel"]); }
        set { this["TracksViewModel"] = value; }


TracksViewModel has a property Track (my Model), which is a class. Also this class has a empty constructor, so I guess this make no problem.

Anyway, when I save Settings, all the Properties are saved but Track object. In output debug I got no errors.

Any suggestion ?

How does the appsettings know they type of the ViewModel? You may want to check the serialization of that object.

Or, you many want to not use appsettings for this and roll your own xml file for persisting that stuff.

Here are several links:


How to store class object in app config file

Can I save an object to the app.config file?

How to Read Custom XML from the app.config?

How to serialize collections in .net

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