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Creating .so file on windows for C++ Static Library to be used in PHP

Actually we are required to use C++ Static Library in PHP, for that we are required to create .so . Just to be specific we are working on Windows Platform, so make / ./configure etc are not available here for making php extension or we are not able to figure that out.

Any help either on creating ".so" file for C++ static library on windows or steps to create make and configure files for C++ Static library on windows.

thanks in advance....

Files with extension .so are usually unix-based dynamic libraries .
The equivalent for that in Windows is usually a .dll file.
In the case of PHP extensions, it might be a good idea to read the manual

Related questions:
c++ php and static library
Extending PHP with C++?

you use dll's in a windows enviroment

 LoadModule php5_module "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.5/php5apache2_2.dll"

as an example in httpd.conf or


in PHP.ini . Recompile the code with gcc if you need it in a unix enviroment

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