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Split string using Excel

I have a string with the following format:

StockCode Country Date Price equity

for example:

  • 1 hk 10/31/12 C70.5 equity
  • 101 hk 11/21/13 P63 equity
  • 388 hk 10/17/12 P100 equity

I can extract Date by this Excel Command:

LEN(RIGHT(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-7),LEN(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-7))-FIND(" ",A1)))-FIND(" ",
RIGHT(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-7),LEN(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-7))-FIND(" ",A1)))),FIND(" ",
LEN(RIGHT(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-7),LEN(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-7))-FIND(" ",A1)))-FIND(" ",
RIGHT(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-7),LEN(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-7))-FIND(" ",A1))))))

(line breaks for readbility)

result: 10/31/12

Anyone has a better solution for this?

here are some of my codes:

  • how to get "C" and "P":

  • how to get the strike price:

     TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-IFERROR(FIND("P",A1), FIND("C",A1))),"equity","")) 



I'd recommend running Text to Columns from the Data tab. Choose Delimited, and indicate space as the delimiter. This will put your string into five columns with the third one being date, and then you can freely use the data directly.

Otherwise, I'd look at Lajos Example:( =TRIM(MID(A1,FIND("!^!",SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","!^!",2)),8)) ) or John's answer.

If you can use a macro UDF this is simple.

Function STR_SPLIT(str as String, sep as String, n as Long)
    Dim Arr() as String
    Arr = Split(str, sep)
    STR_SPLIT = Arr(n - 1)
End Function

str is the string to split, sep is the character to split on - " " in your case - and n is the column number you're looking for. So =STR_SPLIT(A1," ",3) would return the date for example.


Your date is between the second and the third space in all your examples. You can replace your third space with "!^!" for example and then get the substring until the first occurrence of "!^!". After that you just have to extract the substring after the second space. Kindly read more here .


=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",REPT(" ",99)),198,99))

Thanks John

here are some of my codes:

how to get "C" and "P":


how to get the strike price:


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