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Creating records in rails console

I am new with ruby on rails and I am following Ruby on Rails 3 Essential Training 2010 from Lynda.

I have a problem with creating records in rails console even though I create the subject it returns nil. This is the code from the console:

vane@vane-HP-G70-Notebook-PC:~/Sites/simple_cms$ rails c

Loading development environment (Rails 3.2.8)

1.9.3-p194 :001 > subject = Subject.new(:name => "Fourth Subject", :position => 4, :visible => true)

=> Subject id: nil, name: nil, position: nil, visible: false, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

1.9.3-p194 :002 > subject.save (0.1ms) BEGIN SQL (0.4ms) INSERT INTO subjects ( created_at , name , position , updated_at , visible ) VALUES ('2012-10-10 15:06:11', NULL, NULL, '2012-10-10 15:06:11', 0) (56.4ms) COMMIT

=> true

It doesn't show any error so I don't now what to do. Any help will be appreciated.

This is what i have in app>models subject.rb:

    class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base 
    attr_accessor :name, :position, :visible 
    attr_accessible :name, :position, :visible


After i removed this line

attr_accessor :name, :position, :visible

from subject.rb the problem got solved.

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