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What is the difference between unsigned char and unsigned short in this case?

We need to upgrade our program which use unsigned char as bit mask to a newer version which use unsigned short as bit mask. I believe there is some difference between them because our program failed using same logic with unsigned char changed to unsigned short. ( That is from the external library we bought. The library upgraded so we need to change the program too ).

Old version:
typedef struct SomeStruct {
    unsigned char   bit_mask;
#       define      SomeStruct_a_present 0x80
#       define      SomeStruct_b_present 0x40
#       define      SomeStruct_c_present 0x20
    X          x;
    Y          y;
    A          a;  /* optional; set in bit_mask
                                * SomeStruct_a_present if
                                * present */

    B          b;  /* optional; set in bit_mask
                                * SomeStruct_b_present if
                                * present */

    C          c;  /* optional; set in bit_mask
                                * SomeStruct_c_present if
                                * present */
} SomeStruct;

New version:
typedef struct SomeStruct {
    unsigned short   bit_mask;
#       define      SomeStruct_x_present 0x8000
#       define      SomeStruct_y_present 0x4000
#       define      SomeStruct_a_present 0x2000
#       define      SomeStruct_b_present 0x1000
#       define      SomeStruct_c_present 0x0800
    X          x;/* optional; set in bit_mask
                                * SomeStruct_x_present if
                                * present */
    Y          y;/* optional; set in bit_mask
                                * SomeStruct_y_present if
                                * present */
    A          a;  /* optional; set in bit_mask
                                * SomeStruct_a_present if
                                * present */

    B          b;  /* optional; set in bit_mask
                                * SomeStruct_b_present if
                                * present */

    C          c;  /* optional; set in bit_mask
                                * SomeStruct_c_present if
                                * present */
} SomeStruct;

I think there are some problem with our current line because the program crash:

Our current method to set the bit_mask:

someStruct.bit_mask = SomeStruct_a_present;
someStruct.bit_mask |= SomeStruct_b_present;
someStruct.bit_mask |= SomeStruct_c_present;

With unsigned short this line

someStruct.bit_mask = SomeStruct_a_present;

will set value of bitmask to 8192 , but with unsigned char the value will be set to 128 .


unsigned short is 2 bytes long and bit mask will be 0010000000000000 ( 0x2000 ) however with unsigned char this value will be 10000000 ( 0x80 ).

 I believe there is some difference between( unsigned short and unsigned char)

sizeof( unsigned char ) = 1 bytes.

sizeof( unsigned short ) = 2 bytes.

“unsigned char”的长度是1 Byte,“unsigned short”的长度是2

From the link here under the MODIFIERS section, you can see that,

sizeof(unsigned char) = 1 Byte and Range = 0 -> +255.

sizeof(unsigned short) = 2 Bytes and Range = 0 -> +65,535.

Ideone Output

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