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How to get data from json array in JavaScript?

I have php function, that returns array to JavaScript like this:

$data['first'] = 10;
    $data['second'] = 20;
    echo json_enocde($data);

In JavaScript the returned value is named response. I need to display the values and tried like this after reading about json:

alert("First: " + response.first + " Second: " + response.second);

But this code only shows undefined values in places of response.first and response.second. If I write alert(response), then I get answer:


This means, that JavaScript is getting the information. How can I get the values separately from the json encoded array?



Looks like you still have the JSON string, and not parsed it to an JS object. Use JSON.parse :

var jsonString = '{"first":"10","second":"20"}'; // from whereever
var obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);
alert("First: " + response.first + " Second: " + response.second);
alert(obj); // should now be "[object Object]"

use eval like (NOT RECOMMENDED)

var res = eval(response); //as you can see people are against it so I am editing the answer

USE JSON.parse()

OR if you use jquery


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