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Set different row table color basis on performance

I am making student performance records in SQL. There are only 2 columns.

sl no. Name    Points
1      Admam    89
2      Russel   86
3      Andy     79
4      Lance    76
5      Steve    75
6      jack     74
7      Phil     70
8      mark     67
9      kevin    65
10     andrew   65
11     brian    64
12     pat      63

This is SQL report format.. I need to colorize the table for every 3 students..For the first 3 student(1, 2, 3) called as 'Diamond' So that 3 rows needs to color Grey. Next 3 students (4,5,6) called as "platinum" so that 3 rows need to color green.

But in the next row, Phi, Mark, Kevin needs to color as Yellow. But Andrew also joining with Kevin because for same points. So now 4 rows should be colorize as yellow.. Please let me know how to do that....

look at this fiddle phpfiddle

        $color= array(1=>'red',2=>'green',3=>'yellow');

        <table width="100%">
        foreach($points as $key=>$grade)
        <td style="color:<?php if( $key!=0 &&  $points[$key]!=$points[$key-1] )
        {echo $color[$grade];} else{ if(($key+1)%3==0)
{ echo $color[$grade];} else {echo $color[$grade];} } ?>">
student <?php echo $key;  ?></td>
        <?php }?>

use a color for each range point like this

$colors = array(
    1 => 'grey',
    2 => 'green',
    3 => 'yellow',
    4 => 'black'
$i = 0;
$color_id = 0;
$lastpoint = -1;
foreach($students as $id=>$student) {
   $color_id += ($i % 3 == 0 && $student['point'] != $lastpoint) ? 1 : 0;
   $lastpoint = $student['point'];
    <td style="color:<?php echo colors[$color_id];?>";>
        <?php echo $student['name']; ?>

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