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Xml parsing in Android, Null exception

i have an xml that looks this way

<Inhalt Frage="test" number="1" />
<Inhalt Frage ="test2" number=2"/> 

Now, in android i want to parse this xml in that way, that the result show me the content of "Frage" for the number 2. I have tried to parse it this way, but i always get a nullexception error:

XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance();
XPath xpath = factory.newXPath();
XPathExpression expr= xpath.compile("//Frage[@number=2]/text()");

Object result = expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
NodeList nodes = (NodeList) result;
einga= nodes.item(0).getNodeName();

Would be great, if someone could help me with this. Thank you :-)

You are trying to select the text from the node Frage which have an attribute number with the value 2. Are you familiar with Xpath expressions? Try this link : http://w3schools.com/xpath/xpath_syntax.asp

Try : "//Inhalt[@number='2']/@Frage" . You will get test2

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