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How do I remove the X axis labels from this chart?

Keeping myself concise and to the point I wish to remove the labels or at the very least modify them from my X-Axis :


I seem to be using a modified version of this library that allows me to use some tools usually won't work in wp7.


This is the LineSeries definitions as of right now :

<charting:Chart x:Name="chart" Title="Humidity Readings" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Foreground="#FF3C58C8">
    <chartingToolkit:LineSeries x:Name="HumidityGraph" Title="Humidity" BorderThickness="2"  ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" IndependentValuePath="Time" DependentValuePath="Measurement"/>

In response to chridam I tried implementing his suggestion - No succes.

            <charting:Chart x:Name="chart" Title="Humidity Readings" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Foreground="#FF3C58C8">
                    <Style TargetType="visualizationToolkit:Legend">
                        <Setter Property="Width" Value="0"/>
                        <Setter Property="Height" Value="0"/>

                <!--there doesn't seem to be an AxisLabelStyle that I can create a style in.-->

                    <Style x:Key="EmptyStyle" TargetType="charting:NumericAxisLabel">
                        <Setter Property="StringFormat" Value="" />
                        <Setter Property="Template">
                                <ControlTemplate TargetType="charting:NumericAxisLabel">
                                    <TextBlock />
                <chartingToolkit:LineSeries x:Name="HumidityGraph" Title="Humidity" BorderThickness="2"  ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" IndependentValuePath="Time" DependentValuePath="Measurement" TransitionDuration="0:1:1.5" FontSize="18.667">
                    <charting:LinearAxis AxisLabelStyle="{StaticResource EmptyStyle}" Orientation="X" ShowGridLines="True"/>

Try specifying a style for Axis Label that sets the StringFormat property value to empty

      <Style TargetType="AxisLabel"> 
         <Setter Property="StringFormat" Value=""></Setter> 

Update: Another alternative is to apply the style template

<Style x:Key="EmptyStyle" TargetType="charting:NumericAxisLabel"> 
    <Setter Property="StringFormat" Value="" /> 
    <Setter Property="Template"> 
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="charting:NumericAxisLabel"> 
                <TextBlock /> 

to this:

        <charting:LinearAxis AxisLabelStyle="{StaticResource EmptyStyle}"    

For more resources on styling the chart, Styling a Silverlight Chart

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