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Python: Parse list of 'key:value' elements to dictionary of 'key': value pairs

I have the following list:

['a:1', 'b:2', 'c:3', 'd:4']

I would like to convert to a ordered dict (using collections ):

{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}

I have seen solutions using regex here but I am not familiar with regex enough to roll a solution. Any thoughts on this?

d = collections.OrderedDict(el.split(':') for el in your_list)


OrderedDict( (k, int(v)) for k, v in (el.split(':') for el in your_list))

To get the values as integers try something like:

In [67]: lis=['a:1', 'b:2', 'c:3', 'd:4']

In [68]: def func(x):
    return spl[0],int(spl[1])

In [71]: dict(map(func,lis))
Out[71]: {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}

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