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Perl regex disable parenthesis extraction

I am trying something that I found on another answer but I am having some problems:

I know that there are better regex for URLs but consider this for example:

@links=($content =~ m/(https?)?.*[.]com/g);
*$content has text or html

The part (https?)? is for links like www.google.com , but having the parenthesis it returns "http" to $1 which is put into @links ! That is a problem, since I want the whole link.

What would globally extract simple links (or whatever regex is specified) from text and put them into a list?
By simple, I mean:

  • http://www.google.com
  • www.google.com
  • google.com
  • https://www.google.com

Your approach is too naive, it won't catch many other URLs. Instead, use Regexp::Common, like this:

use Regexp::Common qw/URI/;

my @links = ($content =~ /$RE{URI}/g);

This works for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc and properly captures more advanced combinations for URL parameters.

Non-capturing version looks like this:


For capturing links, I use this regex, derived from URI::Find:


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