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How to get part of an .csv file in C++?

I am pretty new to C++. I just want to get a certain field on a ".csv" file, not all off it. I am pretty sure, it must be very easy, but I don't know how to do it. Here is my code to get all the ".csv" content :

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
// #include "Patient.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    // CPatient patient; 

    ifstream file("C:/Users/Alex/Desktop/STAGE/test.csv");

         // the file did open well

        string line;      

        while(getline(file, line, ';'))    //Until we did not reach the end we read

            cout << line << endl; //Console Result

        cout << "ERROR: Could not open this file." << endl;
    return 0;

If you can use boost libraries, then boost::tokenizer would provide the functionality you require. Most notablty, it correctly handles quoted field values that contain commas. The following is a code snippet copied from the linked page:

// simple_example_2.cpp

int main(){
   using namespace std;
   using namespace boost;
   string s = "Field 1,\"putting quotes around fields, allows commas\",Field 3";
   tokenizer<escaped_list_separator<char> > tok(s);
   for(tokenizer<escaped_list_separator<char> >::iterator beg=tok.begin();
       cout << *beg << "\n";

You could pass each ligne read to a tokenizer and extract the fields you require.

Try reading whole lines and split them afterwards:

int N = 5; // search the fifth field
char separator = ';';
while (std::getline(fichier, ligne)) {
    // search for the Nth field
    std::string::size_type pos = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i)
        pos = ligne.find_first_of(separator, pos) + 1;

    std::string::size_type end = ligne.find_first_of(separator, pos);
    // field is between [pos, end)

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