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Android : get cdmaDbm every second

Just a simple question for you, as i couldn't find any info on that. I just want to record the CDMA signal strength every one second.

Do you have any pointers?

I have found lots of examples, but they all use the onSignalChange() method which does not really work for me.


Well I am not sure if this is what you are looking for but after taking a look at the SignalStrength.java file in android source I noticed a bit of code that has a bunch of levels for cdma dbm and ecio levels.

level 4 >= -75
level 3 >= -85
level 2 >= -95
level 1 >= -100

level 4 >= -90
level 3 >= -110
level 2 >= -130
level 1 >= -150

and level is the lowest of the two

actualLevel = (levelDbm < levelEcio) ? levelDbm : levelEcio;

but I noticed that this does not correlate to the actual bars showing in the notification. If in 3G then this level is ignored and the Signal to Noise ratio is used.

signalStrength.getEvdoSnr() // value is 0 to 8 so divide by two to get the bars

if the data drops from 3G to 1x then use the actualLevel.

This was my code to find show the number of bars .

   public void onSignalStrengthsChanged(SignalStrength signalStrength) {
        if (signalStrength.isGsm()) {
            if (signalStrength.getGsmSignalStrength() != 99)
                signalStrengthValue = signalStrength.getGsmSignalStrength() * 2 - 113;
                signalStrengthValue = signalStrength.getGsmSignalStrength();
        } else {
            final int snr = signalStrength.getEvdoSnr();
            final int cdmaDbm = signalStrength.getCdmaDbm();
            final int cdmaEcio = signalStrength.getCdmaEcio();
            int levelDbm;
            int levelEcio;
            int level = 0;

            if (snr == -1) {
                if (cdmaDbm >= -75) levelDbm = 4;
                else if (cdmaDbm >= -85) levelDbm = 3;
                else if (cdmaDbm >= -95) levelDbm = 2;
                else if (cdmaDbm >= -100) levelDbm = 1;
                else levelDbm = 0;

                // Ec/Io are in dB*10
                if (cdmaEcio >= -90) levelEcio = 4;
                else if (cdmaEcio >= -110) levelEcio = 3;
                else if (cdmaEcio >= -130) levelEcio = 2;
                else if (cdmaEcio >= -150) levelEcio = 1;
                else levelEcio = 0;

                level = (levelDbm < levelEcio) ? levelDbm : levelEcio;
            } else {
                if (snr == 7 || snr == 8) level =4;
                else if (snr == 5 || snr == 6 ) level =3;
                else if (snr == 3 || snr == 4) level = 2;
                else if (snr ==1 || snr ==2) level =1;


            text.setText("Bars= " + level);


in the on create method use this below, and also make sure manifest uses READ_PHONE_STATE.

    TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
    AndroidPhoneStateListener phoneStateListener = new AndroidPhoneStateListener(text);
    telephonyManager.listen(phoneStateListener, PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTHS);

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