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Escape quotes inside of parentheses

I am using JSON.stringify to create the following:

{"id":"3172043","Img":"../assets/7/14/NPCgunnerStanding.png","ImgWidth":145,"ImgHeight":210,"Width":"145","Height":"210","Left":649,"Top":165,"Parent":"3172015","MouseOver":"label({HTML: "Gunner"})","Idle":"animate({ rate:100 , pause:4000 })topImage("../assets/img/npc-exclamation3.gif")","MouseOut":"label({})","Proximity":"","Click":"modal({title:"Gunner",iframe: "../assets/7/modals/BEFGunner.php"})"}

and storing it in my db. This part is working fine, but when I look it up again I'm getting errors for the object because of the quotes inside of parentheses.

How can I escape just these quotes?

I started to put together a replacer function for the stringify call that would check for these, but it started to seem like it would be messy and I was hoping to come up with a way to do it all at once with regex or something.

Please Assist :)

You need to escape at least

  • " -> \\"
  • \\\\ -> \\\\
  • CR -> \\r
  • LF -> \\n

To do that in JS try this

var charToJson = { '"': '\\"', '\\': '\\\\', '\r': '\\r', '\n': '\\n' };

var JSONStringLiteral = '"'
    + myPlainTextString.replace(/[\\\"\r\n]/g, function (c) { return charToJson[c]; })
    + '"';

Alternatively, if you're running on a modern browser, JSON.stringify should do this for you.

JSON.stringify('{"foo":"bar"}') === '"{\\"foo\\":\\"bar\\"}"'

Escape the double Quotes..

"label({HTML: \"Gunner\"})"

OR use single Quotes inside

 "label({HTML: 'Gunner'})"

Use \\ like so:

{"key":"text (\"blabla\")"}

Or for cleaner code:

{'key':'text ("blabla")'}

But you have not choice if you have both " and ' , like:

{"key":"text 'blabla' \"otherblabla\""}

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