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Suppress cursor.execute() message in python MySQLdb

How to suppress the cursor.execute() message in MySQLdb.

>>> from warnings import filterwarnings
>>> import MySQLdb
>>> filterwarnings('ignore', category = MySQLdb.Warning)
>>> db = MySQLdb.connect('', 'root', '','')
>>> cursor = db.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute("select version()")

I need to suppress this '1L' message

What you see there is not a warning message, but the return value of cursor.execute() . It's the number of rows affected, 1.

The API happens to return a Python long integer , but it's otherwise the same as a regular int value:

>>> 1L
>>> 1
>>> 1 == 1L

If you do not want the Python console to echo return values back to you, assign them to a variable:

>>> somevariable = 1L

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