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Grails: Unit test domain class constraint gives wrong result

I'm trying to write unit tests for my domain class to test constraints but I got unexpected result. Here is my domain class:

class Student {
    String firstName
    String lastName

    static constraints = {
        firstName blank:false,minSize:2,maxSize:20,validator: { val, obj ->
                      def similarUser = Student.findByFirstNameIlikeAndLastNameIlike(obj.firstName, obj.lastName)
                      if(!similarUser || obj.id == similarUser.id){
                      return ['Student.invalid.unique.message']
        lastName blank:false, minSize:2,maxSize:20


and here is my unit tests:

class StudentTests {
    def st

    void setUp(){       
        st=new Student(firstName:"FerasO",lastName:"Ahmad")     


    void testMinSize() {                
        assertTrue student.validate() // I guess this should return true but It returns false



What is going wrong with that? How could I solve it?


I was doing something wrong this code:

if(!similarUser || obj.id == similarUser.id)

should be if(similarUser && obj.id == similarUser.id)

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