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How convert Timezone into specified format?

my java program want TimeZone like GMT(+0530) instead of getting IST
Actually my java code like...

      String date1=null;
      String formate="IST";
      SimpleDateFormat sourceFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("z");

       SimpleDateFormat gmtFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("Z");
       date1 = gmtFormat.format(sourceFormat.parse(formate));
       System.out.println(date1);//output +0530

Problem 1:but Actually i want this format GMT(+0530)

Problem 2:The above code working only passing IST giving +0530 and any zone like EAT,PST also giving +0530 only,... but the time will changed PST = (GMT - 8:00) Please give suggestions...


SimpleDateFormat gmtFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("'GMT('Z')'");

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