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Objective-C instance into C++ class

How I can instantiate a Objective-c class into CPP class?

for example my CPP class:

class Foo{
    MyObjcClass* myObjcClass; //it does not work

how I can do this?

note I using .m for Objective-C and .cpp for C++.

Thanks a lot!


  • compile as Objective-C++
  • or declare it as id .

If you use id , you should introduce the type in your definitions, eg:

// Foo.mm
Foo::~Foo() {
  MyObjcClass * a = this->myObjcClass;
  [a release];

In general, you should preserve the type ( MyObjcClass ) and avoid using id , but declaring the variable as id is compatible with C and C++, so you can use id to avoid compiling everything that includes Foo.hpp as ObjC++.

There are two ways to do this. The sane way is to use Objective-C++. You can either do this with files that have a .mm extension or you can change your build settings. The default is to compile based on the file extension, but you can force it use Objective-C++ on a .cpp or .m file.

The crazy way is to use the raw Objective-C interface in objc.h.

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