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Custom Zend Validator

I want to create a custom validator in Zend.

for eg my code:

$txt_state = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('state');

$txt_prop = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('pin');

Now I want that the form must be submitted only if at least one of these 2 elements are not empty.

you can do it dirty way like this:

if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
    if (is_empty($form->getElement('state')->getValue())) {
    if (is_empty($form->getElement('pin')->getValue())) {

   if ($form->isValid()) {
     //redirect to success page 
   } else {
    //do nothing, display errors messages, refill form 

or cleaner with extended Zend_Form_Element.

Here you can add custom validation like this in controller.

$state = "YOUR VALUE";

$form->getElement('state')->addValidator( 'Alpha', true, array( 'messages' => array( 'notAlpha' => "Please enter alphabetic character only in state name.
") ));

$mArr = array('state'=>$state);

if( !$form->isValid($mArr) ){

    $myErrorArray[] = $form->getMessages();

    $is_error = 1;

Here $myErrorArray have all error message that you apply on element state.

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