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Deserializing JSON dates timezone-less

I have a problem that is breaking my head since yesterday and don't know how to deal with it.

  • I have a date field in my database that contains the following value:


  • Then my application get the value and send that to my web form. (the value still the same :) thats fine!!


  • In client side I put a break with a javascript alert to see the value that is comming from JSON (the value still the same :) thats fine!!


The code in client side for the alert is this:

// transaction json model
var jsonTransaction = @(Html.Raw(Json.Encode(this.Model.Transaction))); 
alert(new Date(parseInt(jsonTransaction.Date.substr(6))));
  • Now when I send back the value to the server this is what I get


  • And finally after deserialization of the JSON my date time is wrong!! instead of Day 7 its now Day 8???????


This is the code for deserializing:

public JsonResult SaveBill(string jsonTransaction, string jsonTranDetails)
    _appState = this.AppState;
    JsonResult returnVal = returnVal = Json(
       new { Success = true }

var transaction = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BillTransaction>(jsonTransaction, new JsonSerializerSettings() { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore });

Any clue on how to solve this issue with dates, I should get the same date because I didn't change anything. Hope someone can guide me for a solution.

Thanks in advance.

Java script use universal time when it parse the date as currentdate = new Date(123232) so when you send date to client convert it to ISO date such as make sure the date is in UTC before convering it to strong .

return String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ}", dt); 

bty I already created JSON Converted to override any date serialization to client side to use the above function .

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