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Access tag “option” in HtmlElement

need to change this:

<select name="asdf">
    <option selected>a</option>

I got the HtmlElement but cant change it via htmlEle.SetAttribute("value", "c");

I want to change the selected option from a to c .

Once you have the element, you can loop through the children and update the selected attribute:

var ele = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("asdf");

if (ele != null)
    foreach (HtmlElement child in ele.Children)
        child.SetAttribute("selected", "false");
        if (child.InnerText == "c")
            child.SetAttribute("selected", "true");

Assuming: htmlEle is the option Element,

C#: Please try:

  htmlEle.textContent = "a1";

to make the option appearing gas selected,

 htmlEle.setAttribute("selected", "true");


You mean you want to change the display value of first option from a to c , then try below:

      htmlEle.innerHTML = "c";

to make the option appearing gas selected,

htmlEle.setAttribute("selected", "selected");

If I have an ID assigned to selectbox as:

      <select name="asdf" id="selectBox">
         <option selected>a</option>


  var selectElem = document.getElementById("selectBox");
  selectElem.childNodes[1].innerHTML = "a1";

changes value of first option as a1 .

This is done easily with

htmlEle.value = "c";


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