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How to disable Edit control's focus on Dialog first launch?

Hello everybody reading this. Thanks in advance for your time.

One thing before question: I DO NOT use neither MFC nor Windows Forms, just WinApi in C++.

Well, I am making a polynomial calculator in Visual C++. I added a Dialog to it, which was created in resources ( .rc file) using drag'n'drop method. I suppose there would be no such a problem if i created my Dialog with CreateWindowEx (but I don't want to).

My Dialog has a few of Edit Controls. Everything is fine except that when the Dialog is launched, one of Edit controls takes focus to be ready to take keyboard input.

I have included management of EN_KILLFOCUS (Edit sends it to parent when loses focus due to selecting another control).

Here I read from control to wstring (string of wide characters - _UNICODE is defined), use some kind of parser to verify this wstring and remove bad characters, and then put correct string into the same edit control. It works fine, but here is the source of my problem :

When there was no input, parser returns string "0" (not the NULL , string is just set to "0"), as if control had focus and then lost it even before I clicked anything in Dialog.

Due to that, and something else (this is what I have to figure out), at the Dialog launch parser puts this string "0" to edit.

I want to make my edit not be able to take input from keyboard until i click one of the Edits (including this one). If it is not possible, I want to clear the whole text at the beginning of dialog (being able to take input is not a problem, I just want to prevent parser from entering string "0" at the beginning) My code:

In DlgProc I have:

//up here is switch to manage all controls
    case MyEditID:                // here is ID of one of my edits from resources
        switch (HIWORD(wParam))
        case EN_KILLFOCUS:        // edit lost focus - another control selected

            if (LOWORD(wParam)==MyEditID)  //necessary to determine if
                                          // one of allowed Edits sent this message
                                          // because I have also other Edits
                GetDlgItemText(hPanel, LOWORD(wParam), MyTempWcharArray, 100);

                w1 = polynomial(MyTempWcharArray); // parser takes the string
                     // and removes bad chars in constructor
                     // polynomial is my class - you don't have to care of it
                     // w1 is declared before as object of polynomial class

                MyTempString = w1.ConversionToString();
                SetDlgItemText(hDialog, LOWORD(wParam), sw1);

does it matter what integer number is set to Edit's ID?

I know SetFocus() , and WM_SETFOCUS message. In this case I just can't get this working.

If i haven't included something important to make you see my point please let me know. I'm sorry I'm just a newbie in WinAPI world.

EDIT: For those with a similar problem: Do not do this: I made an workaround with global variable ProcessKillFocus set to false indicating that instructions in message management should not be processed, except that at the end (just before break;) I am changing it to true, so next time and later it will be processed:

           if (ProcessKillFocus && LOWORD(wParam)==MyEditID)
                // first time global ProcessKillFocus is false so all this is skipped
                // 2nd time and later do all the stuff
           ProcessKillFocus = true;

Huge thanx to Sheyros Adikari for making my question easy to understand!!! Huge thanx to patriiice for simple answer on a huge messing question!!!

ANSWER: BTW: patriiice, I tried this:

        SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDialog, Desired_Control_ID));
        return (INT_PTR)FALSE;



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