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How Sort A List<string> By A Part Of That String Desc

i have a list like this :

List<string> list_lines = new List<string>();

and more...

as you see there is a separator here -> "__" in every string in that list.
mean :

string[] Separator = new string[] { "__" };   

foreach(string s in list_lines)
    string[] line_ar = s.Split(Separator, StringSplitOptions.None);
    int Num  = int.parse(line_ar[4]);

i want to sort that list by Num parts of that list.
i test some methods using StackOverflow, but there was a bug in them for a big list.

would be really appreciate to help me for soting it


list_lines = list_lines.OrderBy(s => int.Parse(s.Split(Separator, StringSplitOptions.None)[4])).ToList();


list_lines = list_lines.OrderByDescending(s => int.Parse(s.Split(Separator, StringSplitOptions.None)[4])).ToList();
var myList = list_lines.OrderBy(x => int.Parse(x.Split(new string[] {"__"}, StringSplitOptions.None)[4])).ToList();

If the number always starts after the last underscore character, then this should work:

var sortedList = list_lines
    .OrderByDescending(l => int.Parse(l.Substring(l.LastIndexOf("_") + 1)))

The other answers create a new list which is sorted the way you want. If instead you want the same list to be sorted, maybe try something like this:

Func<string, int> getNum = str => int.Parse(str.Split(Separator, StringSplitOptions.None)[4]);
list_lines.Sort((x, y) => getNum(x).CompareTo(getNum(y)));

This uses an overload of List<>.Sort . If you want descending order, swap x and y in the Comparison<> lambda body.

If your list is very long, this is faster (uses Quick Sort) and doesn't require the memory of a new copy of the list.

You can take advantage of lambda expression in LINQ functions like OrderBy

string[] Separator = new string[] { "__" };
var sortedList = list_lines
    .OrderBy(s => int.Parse(s.Split(Separator, StringSplitOptions.None)[4]))

As an unrelated side note, please use correct C# naming conventions so your code is easier to read and is unified with existing C# code-base. Eg not beginning local variable names with capital letter ( Separator -> separator ) and using lower camel case (Pascal case) in case it contains more words ( list_lines -> listLines )

Forgive me for answering a related question here:

Sat 2020-03-21 06:03:31.129: 03: [100001] Player 1
Sat 2020-03-21 06:03:33.119: 02: [620524] Player 22

I would like to first sort the list by: 1) The number within the two [] 2) The date up until the : nn:

Here's one way (of many ways) to do it:

void Main()
    var originalList = new List<string>
        @"Sat 2020-03-21 06:03:31.129: 03: [100001] Player 1",
        @"Sat 2020-03-21 06:03:33.119: 02: [620524] Player 22",
    var sortableList = originalList.Select(x => splitTheLine(x));
    var result = sortableList.OrderBy(x => x.numberPart).ThenBy(x => x.datePart).Select(x => x.wholeString);

(DateTime datePart, int numberPart, string wholeString) splitTheLine(string x)
    string[] separator = { "[", "]", ": " };
    var result = x.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.None);
    return (DateTime.Parse(result[0]), int.Parse(result[3]), x );

I define a method splitTheLine to extract the date and number parts along with the original string. It returns a tuple. Then I use the method with the select operator of LINQ to retrieve a list with three "columns". Again with LINQ, using the OrderBy and ThenBy operators I sort the list. Finally I select only the originial string for the result.

This solution can be shortened a lot - but at the cost of readability, as usual.

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