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Select values for a range of given indexes using Linq C#

I have been trying to take a range of elements from a list Where I have the List of indexes.

Note: I can do it easily using a foreach loop but I want it without using a foreach or for loop.

I tried using takeWhile method of linq as follows but they didnot work.

Example :

List<int> ListOfindexes ; // this has the list of indexses for which I need the values
List<int> mainList;

Itried something like this.

mainList.TakeWhile(value => ListofIndexses.Contains(value));//this is not working.

I have been breaking my head on this from 2 days. Help me out.

Thanks in Advance

It sounds like you want:

var results = indexList.Select(index => mainList[index]);

It's not very clear from your question though...

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