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Spring MVC Pass multiple list from controller to jsp

I have two objects Employee and Department Employee contains the dept_id . What i want to do is display the content of Employee in a table in jsp page. But instead of displaying dept_id i want to display dept_name from Department table. So far i have my controller method as:

public ModelAndView viewEmployee(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

        List<Employee> employeeList = employeeService.getAllEmployee();
        List<Department> departmentList = new ArrayList<Department>();
        for (Employee e : employeeList) {
        Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        model.put("employee", employeeList);
        model.put("department", departmentList);

        return new ModelAndView("viewEmployee", "model", model);


<table border="1px" bordercolor="black" width=80% align="center">
                <c:forEach items="${model.employeeList}" var="element">

                        <td><c:out value="${element.name}" /></td>
                        <td><c:out value="${element.gender}" /></td>

                        <td><c:out value="${element.salary}" /></td>

                        <td>display Department Name here </td>

                            href="<c:url value="editEmployee.htm">  
                    <c:param name="emp_id" value="${element.id}"/>  
                            href="<c:url value="deleteEmployee.htm">  
                    <c:param name="emp_id" value="${element.id}"/>  



Any help? I am not being able to display the map content to the jsp page.

it should be <c:forEach items="${model.employee}" var="element">

Also department should be a property of Employee , so that you can use ${employee.department.name}

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