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Catch Exception from running Thread

I want to catch an exception from a running thread and handle it in the calling thread. How would I to that the best way?

try {
  Runnable connect = new Runnable() {
    public synchronized void  run() {
      try {
        ... some code requiring long time
      } catch(Exception e) {
        ..I want to catch here and send to calling thread

  synchronized(connect) {
    new Thread(connect).start();
    ...if exception then handle it
    ...keep on with code if no exception occurred

} catch(Exception e) {

The best was is to not use Thread directly, but instead use a Future . you can run a FutureTask via a Thread if you desire, or get a Future by submitting a Callable to an Executor (the preferred method). the Future gives you a convenient way to wait for the task to complete and to deal with the results (regular or exceptional).

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