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Running Script through SNMP commands using SNMP Protocol gives different output as script execute stand alone

I want to shell execute a script through SNMP command.So for that script i have configured OID in snmpd.conf under /etc/snmp folder.

My script looks like working is just to redirect "text" to output.txt file and then print script executed on console.



#I have to take the line_num from output.txt which is actually number of line present in output.txt 
line_num=`wc -l <$out` 

#after that i need to take that line from INPUT file
line=`head -$a $Input_path | tail -1 ` 

#i need to uppend data to 1 kb for that i am using typset command
typeset -L1024 line 

#I am increasing value of a
a=`expr $a + 1` 

#same i am echo in file so at this point number of line in file will increase by 1
echo $a >> $Out_Path

#this is the final output which i want .
echo -e "$line\n"


if i am using snmpwalkcommand from node ...1

snmpwalk command the output is


and the updated output.txt file is 1 2

snmpwalk command the output is


and the updated output.txt file is 1 2 3 4

snmpwalk command the output is


and the updated output.txt file is 1 2 3 4 5

Which means i am getting a,c,e ... but i need a,b,c,d,e

This type of processing i am doing because data is more that 1 kb in output.txt and i am not able to fetch more than 1 kb record in snmpget command, that's why i am doing this process to get whole data.

a) try to include a "shebang" line ( #!/bin/sh ) as very first line of your script

b) try to set full path to your file, like echo "text" > /tmp/output.txt

c) be sure that path you write to is writable by UID of snmpd ( /tmp/ usually is)

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