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C++ Passing std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< foo > >

I am currently learning the basics of the STL and boost libraries and wanted some assistance. Let me first describe where I am at I want to construct a vector of shared_ptrs of say some class foo. Previously I had an array or pointers and was required to use new and delete to handle memory and thought the transition to vectors and smart pointers would be a good idea. I currently have something like:

class foo{

int main(){
 std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< foo > > vec_ptr;

Now I would like to know how to best pass this vector in two situations: - Into a function. - Into the constructor of a class object (which via the initialisation list initialises the object.

Into a function I am guessing that it is best passed by reference, as in:

void func(std::vector< boost::shared_ptr < foo > >& vec_ptr_in_func){

Into a class constructor I am not sure my initial guess was something like

class vec_class{
 vec_class(std::vector< boost::shared_ptr < foo > >& vec_ptr_in_class_)
  : vec_ptr_in_class(vec_ptr_in_class_){...}

But this seems to be giving errors along the lines of:

no matching function for call to vec_class::vec_class(std::vector< boost::shared_ptr < foo >, std::allocator<boost::shared_ptr< foo > > >) 
  1. For a function pass it like

     // If you intend to modify the vec_ptr_in_func void func(std::vector< boost::shared_ptr < foo > >& vec_ptr_in_func){ } // If you intend to not modify the vec_ptr_in_func void func(const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr < foo > >& vec_ptr_in_func){ } 
  2. Pass it by const-reference for the constructor.

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