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Repeating OpenGL-es texture bound to hills in cocos2d 2.0


I am in the process of trying to implement raywenderlich's tutorial on generating hills with repeating striped coordinates using cocos2d, This article was written for Cocos2D 1.0, and as I am trying to port it to Cocos2D 2.0 This means updating it for openGl-es 2. So far everything has worked perfectly, However I am having problems with getting the texture of the hill to repeat properly...

Here is my code:

Sending the hills the texture:

CCSprite *stripes = [self stripedSpriteWithColor1:color3 color2:color4 textureSize:512 stripes:nStripes];
    stripes.position = ccp(winSize.width/2,winSize.height/2);
    [stripes.texture setTexParameters:&tp2];
    _terrain.stripes = stripes;
    _backgroundTerrain.stripes = stripes;

Generating texture:

-(CCSprite *)stripedSpriteWithColor1:(ccColor4F)c1 color2:(ccColor4F)c2 textureSize:(float)textureSize stripes:(int) nStripes {
    // 1: Create new CCRenderTexture
    CCRenderTexture *rt = [CCRenderTexture renderTextureWithWidth:textureSize height:textureSize];

    // 2: Call CCRenderTexture:begin

    [rt beginWithClear:c1.r g:c1.g b:c1.b a:c1.a];

    // 3: Draw into texture
    //OpenGL gradient

    NSLog(@"Strip color is: %f : %f : %f", c2.r,c2.g,c2.b);

    CGPoint vertices[nStripes*6];
    ccColor4F colors[nStripes*6];
    int nVertices = 0;
    float x1 = -textureSize;
    float x2;
    float y1 = textureSize;
    float y2 = 0;
    float dx = textureSize / nStripes * 2;
    float stripeWidth = dx/2;
    ccColor4F stripColor = (ccColor4F){c2.r,c2.g,c2.b,c2.a};
    for (int i=0; i<nStripes; i++) {
        x2 = x1 + textureSize;
        colors[nVertices] = stripColor;
        vertices[nVertices++] = ccpMult(CGPointMake(x1, y1), CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR());
        colors[nVertices] = stripColor;
        vertices[nVertices++] = ccpMult(CGPointMake(x1+stripeWidth, y1), CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR());
        colors[nVertices] = stripColor;
        vertices[nVertices++] = ccpMult(CGPointMake(x2, y2), CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR());
        colors[nVertices] = stripColor;
        vertices[nVertices++] = vertices[nVertices-3];
        colors[nVertices] = stripColor;
        vertices[nVertices++] = vertices[nVertices-3];
        colors[nVertices] = stripColor;
        vertices[nVertices++] = ccpMult(CGPointMake(x2+stripeWidth, y2), CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR());
        x1 += dx;

    [self.shaderProgram use];

    ccGLEnableVertexAttribs(kCCVertexAttribFlag_Position  | kCCVertexAttribFlag_Color);

    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Position, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vertices);
    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Color, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, colors);

    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, (GLsizei)nVertices);


    float gradientAlpha = 0.2;
    nVertices = 0;

    vertices[nVertices] = CGPointMake(0, 0);
    colors[nVertices++] = (ccColor4F){0,0,0,0};
    vertices[nVertices] = CGPointMake(textureSize, 0);
    colors[nVertices++] = (ccColor4F){0,0,0,0};
    vertices[nVertices] = CGPointMake(0, textureSize);
    colors[nVertices++] = (ccColor4F){0,0,0,gradientAlpha};
    vertices[nVertices] = CGPointMake(textureSize, textureSize);
    colors[nVertices++] = (ccColor4F){0,0,0,gradientAlpha};

    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Position, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vertices);
    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Color, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, colors);

    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,0, (GLsizei)nVertices);

    // Highlighting

    float borderWidth = textureSize/8;
    float borderAlpha = 0.1f;
    nVertices = 0;

    vertices[nVertices] = CGPointMake(0, 0);
    colors [nVertices++] = (ccColor4F){1,1,1,borderAlpha};
    vertices[nVertices] = CGPointMake(textureSize*CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR(),0);
    colors [nVertices++] = (ccColor4F){1,1,1,borderAlpha};

    vertices[nVertices] = CGPointMake(0, borderWidth*CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR());
    colors [nVertices++] = (ccColor4F){0,0,0,0};
    vertices[nVertices] = CGPointMake(textureSize*CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR(),borderWidth*CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR());
    colors [nVertices++] = (ccColor4F){0,0,0,0};

    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Position, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vertices);
    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Color, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, colors);
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, (GLsizei)nVertices);

    CCSprite *noise = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"noise.png"];
    [noise setBlendFunc:(ccBlendFunc){GL_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO}];
    noise.position = ccp(textureSize/2, textureSize/2);
    [noise visit];

    [rt end];
    // Return texture sprite
    return [CCSprite spriteWithTexture:rt.sprite.texture];


Getting TexCoords for bounding the stripes to the hill:

- (void)resetHillVertices {

    CGSize winSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;

    static int prevFromKeyPointI = -1;
    static int prevToKeyPointI = -1;

    // key points interval for drawing
    while (_hillKeyPoints[_fromKeyPointI+1].x < _offsetX-winSize.width/self.scale) {
    while (_hillKeyPoints[_toKeyPointI].x < _offsetX+winSize.width*3/2/self.scale) {

    if (prevFromKeyPointI != _fromKeyPointI || prevToKeyPointI != _toKeyPointI) {
        _nHillVertices = 0;
        _nBorderVertices = 0;
        CGPoint p0, p1, pt0, pt1;
        p0 = _hillKeyPoints[_fromKeyPointI];
        for (int i=_fromKeyPointI+1; i<_toKeyPointI+1; i++) {
            p1 = _hillKeyPoints[i];

            // triangle strip between p0 and p1
            int hSegments = floorf((p1.x-p0.x)/kHillSegmentWidth);
            float dx = (p1.x - p0.x) / hSegments;
            float da = M_PI / hSegments;
            float ymid = (p0.y + p1.y) / 2;
            float ampl = (p0.y - p1.y) / 2;
            pt0 = p0;
            _borderVertices[_nBorderVertices++] = pt0;
            for (int j=1; j<hSegments+1; j++) {
                pt1.x = p0.x + j*dx;
                pt1.y = ymid + ampl * cosf(da*j);
                _borderVertices[_nBorderVertices++] = pt1;

                _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, 0);
                _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(pt0.x/512, 1.0f);
                _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt1.x, 0);
                _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(pt1.x/512, 1.0f);

                _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, pt0.y);
                _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(pt0.x/512, 0);
                _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt1.x, pt1.y);
                _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(pt1.x/512, 0);

                pt0 = pt1;

            p0 = p1;

        prevFromKeyPointI = _fromKeyPointI;
        prevToKeyPointI = _toKeyPointI;
        [self resetBox2DBody];


Drawing the texture:

- (void) draw {

    self.shaderProgram = [[CCShaderCache sharedShaderCache] programForKey:kCCShader_PositionTexture];
    ccGLBlendFunc( CC_BLEND_SRC, CC_BLEND_DST ); //TB 25-08-12: Allows change of blend function

    ccGLEnableVertexAttribs(kCCVertexAttribFlag_Position  | kCCVertexAttribFlag_TexCoords);

    // Assign the vertices array to the 'position' attribute
    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_Position, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, _hillVertices);

    // Assign the texCoords array to the 'TexCoords' attribute
    glVertexAttribPointer(kCCVertexAttrib_TexCoords, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, _hillTexCoords);

    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, (GLsizei)_nHillVertices);

The problem I'm having is this: after a certain number of repeats the texture starts to degrade in quality, like so:


Is there any way to get the texture to repeat without degradation?


I've veen doing more analysis into how the texture degrades, it turns out it doesn't do it continuously, but degrades with power of 2 repetitions so it degrades for the first time on the first repeat then after 2 repeats, then 4, 8, 16, 32 and so on... It also seems that the vertical bands that start to appear that can be seen in the image double in width each time the image degrades in quality. Also on each degradation the frame rate of the game decreases substantially so I'm starting to think this is probably a memory issue.


My best guess at why this is happening so far is because the -draw method for the terrain is continually making GL_TRAINGLE_STRIP, and not deleting them once they are off-screen causing a build up in the memory usage of the terrain, causing the degradation and frame rate drop.



I have solved two of the problems that were occurring with my texture generation...

Solving Misalignment

IN the sprite generation method this:

float x1 = -textureSize;
float x2;
float y1 = textureSize;
float y2 = 0;
float dx = textureSize / nStripes * 2;

to this:

float x1 = -winSize.width;
float x2;
float y1 = winSize.height;
float y2 = 0;
float dx = winSize.width / nStripes * 2;

I realised that this was totally unrelated to the main error, rather it was due to my stripes for some reason not appearing at a 45 degree angle, which causes them to misalign on repeat. I tried to think of reasons for this, and finally fixed it by assuming that the textures coordinate origin was at the top left corner of the screen as opposed to the top left corner of the texture.

Solving Degradation (Kind of)

I had an inkling that the image degradation was occurring due to the large amounts of repetitions of the texture, due to a similar reason as this Although I may be wrong on that front!

To solve this in the resetHillVertices I set it up so the texCoords are always between 0 and 1 meaning that the texture bound to the hills is always the first repetition of the texture. I implemented this like so:

for (int j=1; j<hSegments+1; j++) {
            pt1.x = p0.x + j*dx;
            pt1.y = ymid + ampl * cosf(da*j);
            _borderVertices[_nBorderVertices++] = pt1;
            float xTex0 = pt0.x/512;
            float xTex1 = pt1.x/512;
            while (xTex0 > 1) { // makes sure texture coordinates are always within the first repetition of texture
                xTex0 -= 1;
            while (xTex1 > 1) {
                xTex1 -= 1;
            _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, 0);
            _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex0, 1.0);
            _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt1.x, 0);
            _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex1, 1.0);

            _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, pt0.y);
            _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex0, 0.0);
            _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt1.x, pt1.y);
            _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex1, 0.0);

            pt0 = pt1;

This almost fixed everything, the only two problems I still have are:

  • A few pixel columns between joins of textures are rendered strangely
  • There is still a memory issue with drawing the texPos and Pos triangles

These can be seen in this photo: As you can see the frame rate has dropped drastically and continues to do so all through the game.



I reduced the width of each triangle strip to try and find what was going on at the texture repeat, and found out that for some reason that strip was filled with the whole of the background texture but reversed. After a small amount of thinking I realised this was because due to flooring here: int hSegments = floorf((p1.x-p0.x)/kHillSegmentWidth); we get that the last strip for each repetition goes just past the width of the texture, however as we are remove 1 while xTex1 is greater than one this sets this texCoords to 0.02 (or some other small number) where it should actually be 1.02 (This is difficult to understand, however it is correct). I thought this could be solved by using another if statement like so:

float xTex0 = pt0.x/512;
            float xTex1 = pt1.x/512;
            while (xTex0 > 1.0) {
                xTex0 -= 1.0;
            while (xTex1 > 1.0) {
                xTex1 -= 1.0;

            if (xTex1 < xTex0) {

            _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, 0);
            _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex0, 1.0);
            _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt1.x, 0);
            _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex1, 1.0);

            _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, pt0.y);
            _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex0, 0.0);
            _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt1.x, pt1.y);
            _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex1, 0.0);

This works fine for the first triangle in that strip, but not for the second for some peculiar reason, which I can't fathom at all! It looks like this: 在此输入图像描述

However the setup within _hillTexCoords seems correct, when I set a break point within the app this is the result I get for the _hillTexCoords array, and it looks like it should be pinning the texture correctly, but it still isn't (Incredibly frustrating!)

[44]    CGPoint (x=0.804036,y=1)
[45]    CGPoint (x=0.873047,y=1)
[46]    CGPoint (x=0.804036,y=0)
[47]    CGPoint (x=0.873047,y=0)
[48]    CGPoint (x=0.873047,y=1)
[49]    CGPoint (x=0.939453,y=1)
[50]    CGPoint (x=0.873047,y=0)
[51]    CGPoint (x=0.939453,y=0)
[52]    CGPoint (x=0.939453,y=1)
[53]    CGPoint (x=1.00586,y=1)
[54]    CGPoint (x=0.939453,y=0)
[55]    CGPoint (x=1.00586,y=0)
[56]    CGPoint (x=0.00585938,y=1)
[57]    CGPoint (x=0.0722656,y=1)
[58]    CGPoint (x=0.00585938,y=0)
[59]    CGPoint (x=0.0722656,y=0)
[60]    CGPoint (x=0.0722656,y=1)
[61]    CGPoint (x=0.13737,y=1)
[62]    CGPoint (x=0.0722656,y=0)
[63]    CGPoint (x=0.13737,y=0)

It's easy to see that the overlap from one texture back to the start of the texture follows the same pattern as the others, but it still doesn't render correctly!

Update 3

It turns out that my memory issue is entirely unrelated to drawing using Opengl-es 2.0, it is in fact related to the box2D elements of my game not being de-allocated in the memory, so I have created a separate question for this... I am still however, looking for a fix to the texture degradation problem!

The triangle strip you generate for the visible part of the terrain will have texture coordinates which increase from left to right. When these get very large, you will have precision issues.

For your UV coordinates, you need to subtract the same value from all the coordinates in your triangle strip. Generally, take the integer part of the lowest coordinate (probably the far-left or first coordinate in your case), and subtract that from all the UVs you generate. Or use it as a baseline to generate the others, whichever you prefer.

So if the left hand side of the screen has a U value of 100.7 and the right hand side has a U value of 129.5, you actually want to output values ranging from 0.7 to 29.5. (if you still have precision issues, you might squeak out a bit more by centring the range on zero, using negative co-ords).

The alternative, if you need to have a discontinuity in the texture coordinates within a single strip, and to get maximum precision, is to introduce degenerate triangles, which are zero-area, and thus don't get rendered, while you change the tex-coords. You do that by repeating vertices, but with the adjusted tex-coords, before continuing.

Based on your code above, I'd suggest something like this:

// This line should happen only once per-strip. 
float U_Off = floor(pt0.x / 512);

// The inner loop then looks like this:
for (int j=1; j<hSegments+1; j++) {
    pt1.x = p0.x + j*dx;
    pt1.y = ymid + ampl * cosf(da*j);
    _borderVertices[_nBorderVertices++] = pt1;
    float xTex0 = pt0.x/512 - U_Off;
    float xTex1 = pt1.x/512 - U_Off;

    _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, 0);
    _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex0, 1.0);
    _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt1.x, 0);
    _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex1, 1.0);

    _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, pt0.y);
    _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex0, 0.0);
    _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt1.x, pt1.y);
    _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex1, 0.0);

    pt0 = pt1;

This is just my guess... Not a solution, but a possible explanation.

I tried to trace how you are generating your mesh. At first I though you were doing some kind of intentional degeneration (as you are using a triangle strip, and using 4 vertices for each 2 triangles). But you are creating your mesh like this, right?.

3 ___ 4-7___ 8
| \    | \   |
|  \   |  \  |
1 ___ 2-5 __ 6

This creates triangles 123, [234], 345, [456], 567, [678]... and so on (note [] means reversed). So, you see that you are overlapping half of the triangles. I suppose the last triangle drawn is seen and the other is hidden... providing z is exactly 0 you are not having any artifact. When 4 = 7, and 2 = 5, which is when you are not modifying your texutre coordinate, everything works fine, as that, one way or another reduces to the following (which would be the correct way of doing it if you traspose it - acbdef). Translated to coordinates - same coordinate, same point it's like this:

c ___ d ___ f
| \   | \   |
|  \  |  \  |
a ___ b ___ e

In the log you posted, you write 4 points at a time, right? So, in the 13th cycle of the "for" you generate this vertexes: (14*3 = 52):

    [52]    CGPoint (x=0.939453,y=1) //1
    [53]    CGPoint (x=1.00586,y=1)  //2
    [54]    CGPoint (x=0.939453,y=0) //3
    [55]    CGPoint (x=1.00586,y=0)  //4

    [56]    CGPoint (x=0.00585938,y=1) //5

That makes 5 triangles. In particular 2 are of interest here: [234] and 345. 234 is ok, but 345 must be hiding it (because it renders after the other¿?. Try using an depth test function like GL_GREATER just to avoid it to render and see if i'm right on this one). Well, 345 is not right, it maps the texture from x= 0.07 to 1.00. So, even if you corrected 234, 345 is still drawn over your correct triangle. That should explain your background reversed thing.

So, that was what i think is the problem (wouldn't happen if you didn't normalize your texture coordinates like in the tutorial).

Do I still have to write the solution?? :/

To begin with, I'd suggest you generated your mesh like what i draw at second place (a,b,c...). Then continue with a solution. A dirty solution would be to degenarte the evil triangle 345. That would be to repeat point 4 one time (i'm a little dizzy rigth now, could be wrong )- Anyway this is not a good solution, you are mixing orientations and overlapping triangles. Each for iteration you should only add

        _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, 0);
        _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex0, 1.0);

        _hillVertices[_nHillVertices] = CGPointMake(pt0.x, pt0.y);
        _hillTexCoords[_nHillVertices++] = CGPointMake(xTex0, 0.0);

Let me think a clean solution, or let somebody write it for me - Providing this is in fact, the problem.

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