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WordPress hack attempt

I run a VPS with a couple of dozen WordPress installs for small customer websites.

I just noticed one site has a php script called "pnxnfup.php" which has a load base64 alphanumber characters within it.

In the root of the site there are also a lot of files with no extension - just random alphanum strings - withih said files it looks like IP addresses are being logged - I'm guessing these are visitor IP addresses (mine is in there).

Anyone any idea what type of exploit this might be?

UPDATE: 18/12/12

Ok I managed to decode the contents of pnxnfup.php

When I decoded the original php file, it contained MORE base64 encoded content peppered with random gibberish php comments which I had to strip out manually before I could decode the rest of the file.

Once I decoded that I found yet MORE base64 encoded strings with MORE gibberish php comments. Once I repeated the stripping and decoding process (phew!) I was left with this:


I understand roughly what this code is doing (sniffing for requests with asc parameters which would indicate a url that could be targetted for sql injection) but I don't see how this can be of value to a hacker on it's own. I'm guessing the hack must permeate deeper and I'm missing something else?

This seems to be fairly common, if you check the wordpress support site

But what it is exactly is hard to tell, if I were you I'd setup a sandboxed environment and play around a bit with it to figure out the purpose of the hack.

Probably this website is using a "free" theme. Most of these has codes that collect your password and login to add malware scripts on your website. Do you have a back-up of your website? I highly recommend you to clean all the files, then change your FTP password (and login, if possible), then re-upload everything.

Btw, maybe Sucuri can help you to find some infected files: http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/YOURURL.com/

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