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Running executable fortran code from C# and pass parameter to run the .exe

I have a FORTRAN .exe file which runs and works ok, it will ask user to input 1 or 2 and if 1 is entered it will do some calculation and if 2 is entered it does different kind of calculation.

I need to call this from C# code. I know how to run .exe file from C# but I can not pass 1 or 2 to the .exe I have used different method but with no luck.

static void Main(string [] args)
           string FileName = @"C:\......sco.exe";

           process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(FileName,"3");
           Process.Start(process.StartInfo); }

I really appreciate if some one knows how to fix this problems. I am new to C# and I can not rewrite the Fortran code since it is too comelicated.

Thank you for reading this post

I don't know C#, so I can't tell you how to do this in detail, but when running a fortran program from the command line, you can supply an extra file with arguments. Call it like this: mypgrogram.exe<inputs.ans

In your case, inputs.ans would contain a single 1 or 2 . You can put each additional argument that the program asks for on a new line in this file.

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