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How to submit spring form in ajax(jquery) with modelAttribute

I am new to Spring MVC. I have a form like this,

<form:form action="/myaction.htm" method="post" modelAttribute="myForm" id="formid"> and a controller that returns json

public @ResponseBody ResultObject doPost(@ModelAttribute("myForm") MyForm myForm){ System.out.println("myform.input"); }

I am able to submit this using $("#formid").submit(); and my modelAttribute is working fine, taking values from UI.

my question is, how to submit this form in jquery ajax way? I tried this,

async: false,
dataType: "json",
success: function(){


the form is submitted but modelAttribute values are nulls, how to include modelAttribute object(object that form is using) while submitting?

You need to post the data. The way I typically do it is using the following.

var str = $("#myForm").serialize();

    async: false,
    dataType: "json",
    success: function(){

your ModelAttributes are not populated as you are not passing any params to server.Form data has to be posted to server

$.post('myaction.htm', $('#formid').serialize()) to send ajax post request.

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