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Determining number and type of parameters and return type of type parameter that is a function

Given a C++11 function:

X f(A, B, C);

Is there anyway from within this function:

template<typename T>
void g(T t)

Called as follows:


to determine:

  • the number of parameters of f
  • the type of parameter i of f
  • the return type of f


template<typename F>
void g(F f)
    constexpr size_t n = num_params<F>::n; // 3
    return_type<F>::type x; // X
    tuple<param_types<F>::type...> a; // tuple<A, B, C>



template <typename R, typename ...Args>
void g(R(&f)(Args...))
    typedef R return_type;
    unsigned int const n_args = sizeof...(Args);

    // ...


int foo(char, bool);


Something I had worked on that does what you want I think -- it is however limited to functors that define at most one function call operator (lambdas fit this restriction). It also works on MSVC 2012 CTP.

namespace detail {
    //! Select between function pointer types
    template <typename T>
    struct callable_helper_ptr;

    //! non-member functions
    template <typename R, typename... Args>
    struct callable_helper_ptr<R (*)(Args...)> {
        typedef void                object_t;
        typedef R                   result_t;
        typedef std::tuple<Args...> args_t;

    //! member functions
    template <typename R, typename O, typename... Args>
    struct callable_helper_ptr<R (O::*)(Args...)> {
        typedef O                   object_t;
        typedef R                   result_t;
        typedef std::tuple<Args...> args_t;

    //! const member functions
    template <typename R, typename O, typename... Args>
    struct callable_helper_ptr<R (O::*)(Args...) const> {
        typedef O                   object_t;
        typedef R                   result_t;
        typedef std::tuple<Args...> args_t;

    //! Select between function pointers and functors
    template <typename T, typename is_ptr = typename std::is_pointer<T>::type>
    struct callable_helper;

    //! specialization for functors (and lambdas)
    template <typename T>
    struct callable_helper<T, std::false_type> {
        typedef callable_helper_ptr<decltype(&T::operator())> type;

    //! specialization for function pointers
    template <typename T>
    struct callable_helper<T, std::true_type> {
        typedef callable_helper_ptr<T> type;
} //namespace detail

//! defines the various details of a callable object T
template <typename T>
struct callable_traits {
    typedef typename detail::callable_helper<T>::type::object_t object_t;
    typedef typename detail::callable_helper<T>::type::result_t result_t;
    typedef typename detail::callable_helper<T>::type::args_t   args_t;

    template <unsigned N>
    struct arg : public std::tuple_element<N, args_t> {};

And my write up on the process behind writing if anyone is interested: http://bkentel.wordpress.com/2012/12/12/defining-a-traits-type-for-callable-objects/

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