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I need some help to optimize this code that read annotations in php classes

I've written this class with one static method that read annotations and convert them in one array. So, this code:

 * @MyAnnotation(attr1=value,attr2=value);
class MyClass

    public static function readMyAnnotation()
        $classComment = (new ReflectionClass(get_class()))->getDocComment();
        $comments = explode("\n", $classComment);
        foreach ($comments as $item) {
            if(strpos($item, "@")) {
                $comment = explode("@", $item);
                $annotation = explode(")", $comment[1])[0];
                $annotationName = explode("(", $annotation)[0];
                $annotationValue = explode("(", $annotation)[1];
                $annotationParams = explode(",", $annotationValue);
                $params = [];
                foreach ($annotationParams as $item) {
                    $params[explode("=", $item)[0]] = explode("=", $item)[1];
                print_r([$annotationName => $params]);



will output this:

Array ( [MyAnnotation] => Array ( [attr1] => value [attr2] => value ) );

Can someone help me optimizing this code using regular expressions? I am not able to write good code with regex. My code works fine, but I dont like it!

 * @MyAnnotation(attr1=value,attr2=value);
class MyClass

    public static function readMyAnnotation()
        $classComment = (new ReflectionClass(get_class()))->getDocComment();
        $comments = explode("\n", $classComment);
        foreach ($comments as $item) {
            if(strpos($item, "@")) {
                /* ?????????????? */
                print_r([$annotationName => $params]);


You can use php function preg_match , it will store matched substring in parenthesis (.*) to $match_name[1] :

$annotationName = $match_name[1];
$values = explode(",",$match_values[1]);
foreach ($values as $value) {
  $exploded = explode("=", $value);
  $params[$exploded[0]] = $exploded[1];

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